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Life lessons…

Nirmalya Saha, Psychosocial and motivational blogger. Wisdom coach.

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It’s a typical unstable mindset. There are two main causes. Lack of decision making and confusions. Both are interconnected. And confusions are the root cause.

If you want to get rid from this dilemma and attain stability, you need mindset redressal. You’ve to understand confusions , how it occur and how to clear. There are some common processes that can be followed by every second person. I think it’ll work for you also.

Let’s go…

The most controversial and effective step to get a positive output is to take right decision at right time. The barrier of decision making is confusions. Decision making is to overcome confusions. It’s the thought process of selecting the most logical choice from available options. When you try to take a decision, you must weigh the positive and negative of each options. Consider all alternatives. Effective decision making depends on ability to forecast the outcome of each option as well. Please note that decisions taken on the basis of intuitions and trial & error method, very often give miserable results. Logical analysis is a must for effective decision making.

How to take effective decisions ?

In general it helps business professionals and leaders to solve any ongoing problem by analysing available alternates and then choose the best option to imply. There are some fundamental techniques which can be used as steps of effective decision making, mainly business related decisions. We take decisions for two purposes, either to solve a problem or to build an opportunity.

1. First you have to identify the problem or the opportunity which has to be addressed with such logic that the effect will benefit all .i.e. fellow businessmen or employees and society.

2. Next important aspect is to gather information about the subjective matter. If you have facts and figures, then only you can analyse the possible outcome of taken decisions. If you’re short of info, you’ll have to rely on your intuitions or wild guesses which has every chance to end in a major set back.

3. Next you’ve to identify the alternatives. Once you’ve enough info and clear understanding, you’ve to identify and compare various alternates at your disposal. So, it’s logically important that you have a good range of options to compare and finalize to meet the objective.

4. To make a decision, be confident about the risk factors and it’s possible way outs. For this occurrence, you may take a combination of alternatives. You need to accept your feasibility, acceptability and durability. To know which alternative is the best, you should be able to weigh pros & cons, then select the option that carries the highest possibility of success.

5. Enter into action area. Enough of thinking, now it’s time to plan for implementation. Identify required resources and get partners or employees onboard. Most importantly be prepared to clarify any concern that may arise on process.

6. Everyone makes mistakes. Intelligent is one who takes it as a lesson, improve self wisdom and push forward. So it’s necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the decision. Before implementation, think deeply about your expertise and what’s the proportion of improvement from the outcome. If your decision is not working well, don’t get nervous, sit back and review some of previous steps you took to identify a better choice. If you’ve number of alternatives, you can review a bit more.

Hope it’ll be helpful for you. Good luck.

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